Week 2: The key to happiness — Dancing🕺
Everyone has own special desire to try something new. There are plenty of options we can get involved in and limited time we can spend on them. Generally, we can divide them into three main groups such as learning, applying and sharing knowledge. All of them should be equally developed and there would be some problems unless we advance all fields. For example, if we forget about applying knowledge, the creativity of work will significantly decrease. Similarly, all three actions about knowledge are needed by our brain and heart to become happier, irreplaceable and humble.
Once a wise man said, “The happiness is in the sense of more satisfaction”. We can easily get satisfaction in various ways. However, bad memories and worries make it more difficult to create peace in mind. To make precious memories, I started the series writing about “A Year To Remember” where I make every piece of the effort to build a chain of fruitful weeks. I firmly believe that some good times have a strong effect to attract positive results.
This week, I had two final exams and a competition opening conference. I had to actively prepare for the exams since there would be no more exams and previous exams were much harder than my expectations. There were several nights when I did not go to the bed for sleep just for preparation. In addition to the school activities, I attended dance training conducted by our university’s web developer on Tuesday and Thursday. It was a new thing for me; I have tried dancing once in my elementary school and there was no trial after the time. There were some students from the university and adults. Most of them had experience with the dance. Until the start, I found myself filled with indecision when it came time to practice with other people. Nonetheless, I successfully direct my body to follow the instruction.
I had taken unbelievable undergo and I feel refreshed after each training. My partners always supported me to keep the coordination of movement, even though, I had to take control because of the dance rule. I was in charge of handling transition in a small group (me and my partner) but the following rhythm was so complicated for me. In spite of that, I think that joining the dance club must be a genuine step to jump for joy. Overall, I would like to highly recommend you to take a course of dancing, no matter whether you have attempted or not. I am totally sure that you would be better when you are dancing.
“Life always begins with one step outside of your comfort zone.”
― Shannon L. Alder
Everyday people need some space and time to make some shift from the comfort zone to the mysterious world. Most people prefer to keep the current condition because they heed the warnings. Taking risks can be described as ‘taking chances’. However, there are a few people who put themselves at risk. All of them know that every achievement is followed by many dangers for our time, mental and physical health. The condition is different for each person, but it remains still valuable. To construct own worthwhile value, we have to sacrifice small things. For instance, we cannot buy a new refrigerator unless we throw away an old one. We have to get rid of current dated stuff, then adopting new items will be much easier than our hope.