Week 0: Testing and tasting new year
Hope, optimism, and faith — these can completely describe the new year, in my opinion. On the zeroth week, which I want to call it because all those are not days of the new year totally, and programmers use zero as a first element, I make a new bullet journal and tried old habits in a very redesigned way. I watched several videos on YouTube to design my private assistant notebook delicately and followed some instructions, but there are some sections that I have forgotten to include in the journal such as goals of the year, finance tracker and habit tracker. However, I also have a binder where I track my habit and semester objectives. As well as, I can test the finance tracker another week as a piece of a year to remember.
As you can see, there are five pink bullets in the journal dedicated to note weekly new actions as mentioned before. After one year, there will be 52 actions that I have attempted and hope that it would have made fascinating changes in my style of living and behavior. Also, there are some pages for sleep tracker and daily set-up. By the way, I have another notebook to plan my day to analyze own habit and daily operation. Once I was attended the 3P club in which Korean professor teach us performance, persistence, and punctuality, he distributes binders to us. After that, I’ve been consistently keeping a diary and planning my days, weeks and months.
My zeroth week resolution was the “Be Grateful” habit. I found this habit from a ‘Fabulous’ mobile application. I have been using the app for a half year to build brand-new beneficial customs, in particular, drinking water, observation habit and brushing teeth. I do my new week habit 10 minutes before going to sleep and meditate about trying to remember all the people who I want to express my gratitude and I started to strongly believe that there is nothing too small to be grateful for. The next day of every meditation, I made more effort to feel other’s help and kindness. The more days pass, the more time is required to express my appreciation.
We live and exist based on the goals that we would do in our near future, although there are some long term intentions. Without a mission, there should be no momentary goals in our lives. But there are. During the process of planning the following month, I noticed that I have not made strategies for overcoming year or seasonal obstacles. There wasn’t any kind of plan about my long run aim apart from graduating from the current university. I have to make a new one, I have no idea though. After thinking for a while, I came up with ideas that can modify the present way of life.
Taking everything into consideration, I successfully started the new year resolution. I experienced a lot of things in the last week; there were two final exams, a new year party and minutes when I had to recover my relationships. Also, I could be in touch with two of YouTubers via Instagram and their impressions were so great that they made me very happy. Furthermore, I have 4 more final exams within 2 weeks. Above mentioned pieces of stuff are just for the starting week. There are more 51 weeks and 51 new experiments to perform in my life. It is only the beginning of the new journey.