Getting out of a pool…
To be honest, I am not a guy who always put a smile on my face and holds happiness every day. There are moments when I feel so bad that I do not want to wake up and hide in a blanket.
When I am outside, various types of thoughts are swirling around my head. I am a thinker; it makes me not available of getting rid of toxic thoughts whenever I want. It is like thinking of a pink elephant.
Recently, I fell into the thinking cycle — which I describe as marching thoughts. I randomly think about a bad memory, it makes me upset, and I find and collect other relevant bad memories, then feel bad again. It cycles indefinitely.
If you fall into a pool when you are incapable of swimming, what would you do? I usually try to swim, but it only makes me tired and down. If there is a straw right above the pool, I would grab it and save myself. Exactly that thought gave me a hint.
I have an experience of falling into that imaginary pool and I made some straws by that time. Otherwise, I would have drowned. What was the straw that keep me alive? It must be in my brain, or laptop, right?
I found four videos from one of my folders on a desktop. In those videos, I captured myself answering too personal questions from a third-person view. I was so open about my situation since I had planned not to show those short videos to anyone, but me.
By that time, I thought I was at the very bottom. However, I was enthusiastic and full of motivation. It even inspired me. It made my day. Definitely, this blog is a result of those videos. Being honest and describing problems must have solved the problem. How lucky I am to capture the moment. 🤗
The one lesson I learned:
Learning from experiences is the best way to overcome problems when it seems there is no definite hint to life.